Career Guidance and Service

How to start your career after graduation?

Eine Person studiert eine Landkarte, die sie aufgeklappt vor sich in den Händen hält Eine Person studiert eine Landkarte, die sie aufgeklappt vor sich in den Händen hält Eine Person studiert eine Landkarte, die sie aufgeklappt vor sich in den Händen hält © Daniel Gonzalez /

The sooner you know which professional direction you want to take, the better you will find the job that suits you. Try things out early in your studies, gain experience through internships, project work or part-time jobs and make your first contacts in the world of work.

We support students in all subjects in every phase of their studies to find and actively shape their personal path into the profession.

Get started now: Internships, student jobs, trainee positions and direct entry on the central job portal of Leibniz University Hannover

Save the Date: Career Lounge

Thu, 3 December 2024 | 5–8 pm

Contact with Companies in a relaxed Atmosphere

Online self-learning Courses

"My internship": Tips on searching and applying, as well as on how to prepare and follow up on your internship for optimal benefit.
"Career Start: Humanities and Social Sciences": Tips on career fields, your own goals and skills or networks, among other things.


No news available.

Podcasts & Downloads

Listen in and subscribe now: Podcast "Schlüsselmomente" with tips on studying and entering the world of work.
Application Support: Brochures with tips on the application process.

External Offers

Mentoring programme from Pro Hannover Region for students preparing for their career entry.
Series of lectures "Jobchancen" from the Employment Agency: How to succeed in entering the profession after studying?

Open Positions

Please board: Here you will find the 10 most recent advertisements for internships and student jobs, as well as for career entry in companies, public authorities and associations – directly from the central job exchange of Leibniz University Hannover "Stellenticket"!