The Job Shadowing project offers students at the Hochschule Hannover and the Leibniz University Hannover an opportunity to spend a day job shadowing in a particular field. They accompany an employee in their workplace for a day, as a kind of 'shadow', and get a picture of the typical facets of the profession in question, as well as getting to know the company or organisation. In contrast to an internship, there is no focus on getting involved in the actual work but rather on the student and employer getting to know one another and on gaining an insight into the area of work in question.
Most of the offerings are in German language. You will find further information on the participating companies and the registration on the German version of this website.
The Job Shadowing project is run as a collaboration between the Business and Employment Promotion Hannover Region, the Career Centre in the Centre for Teaching and Advice at the Hochschule Hannover and the ZQS/Key Competencies department at the Leibniz University Hannover.

30167 Hannover