Survey Coordination

Cross-faculty surveys at Leibniz University Hannover

Das Welfenschloss und Hauptgebäude der Leibniz Universität Hannover. Das Welfenschloss und Hauptgebäude der Leibniz Universität Hannover. Das Welfenschloss und Hauptgebäude der Leibniz Universität Hannover. © Daniel Vogl / LUH

The ZQS/Quality Assurance is the coordination point for all external and internal cross-faculty surveys of students and graduates. We check requests for cross-faculty surveys, decide on the participation of Leibniz University Hannover and coordinate the timing of the individual surveys.

The goals of this assessment are:

  •  focusing on strategic surveys relevant to the University
  •  avoidance of overlaps related to timing and content
  •  balancing the different interests in data collection
  •  ensuring compliance with data protection law

Execution of surveys

Do you want to carry out a cross-faculty survey of students or graduates at Leibniz University?

Please send us a short email with the request for a survey or give us a call. We will then send you a form to collect a range of information about the planned survey. We need this information in order to decide whether LUH will take part in the survey based on the below criteria. 

Assessment criteria

  • What are the results needed for?
  • Does the survey clearly relate to research and/or teaching?
  • Are the results in the public interest and/or in the interest of the University?
  • Is the survey relevant to internal quality assurance?
  • Are the data protection requirements of the German Federation and the Federal State complied with?
  • Survey duration: it must be at least 8 weeks since the last survey.

Survey request / Contact

Dr. Maren Kandulla
Callinstraße 24
30167 Hannover
Dr. Maren Kandulla
Callinstraße 24
30167 Hannover