Promoting Learning Processes

Optimising the individual learning path

Flache Spielsteine mit Buchstaben bilden das englische Wort für „Lernen“. Flache Spielsteine mit Buchstaben bilden das englische Wort für „Lernen“. Flache Spielsteine mit Buchstaben bilden das englische Wort für „Lernen“. © Wokandpix /

The more precisely a learning path is matched to a student’s individual learning progress, the more successful the student will be in reaching their learning objectives – whether this is determined by the teacher or by the student themselves. One of the best ways to guide learning processes is through various forms of feedback. This must be taken into consideration when designing courses.

Feedback may include the brief feedback from a multiple-choice question, or the detailed comments on a written assignment. Feedback may be given by teachers or by peers, and may be directed at either the teacher or the students. Depending on the design of the course, this may lead to content being repeated in lectures, additional material being provided, or the student deciding to watch a video again or to practise with flash cards.



Team Mediendidaktik
Im Moore 17 c
30167 Hannover
Team Mediendidaktik
Im Moore 17 c
30167 Hannover